3 Nov 2023 to 9 March 2024
Still Life Comes Alive
A partnership between Cairns Historical Society and Cairns Art Society at the Cairns Museum
The term still life describes a work of art that depicts objects from the natural or man-made world. A still life usually illustrates things that are inanimate and which are often part of daily life. Cairns Art Society artists have chosen various items from the Museum’s collection to represent stillness in an active contemporary way. Some of the artists recall their childhood through the chosen items and reflect on growing up with their parents and grandparents. For some artists, the items they have chosen prompt them to recall a particular era, a dream or an activity. And in remarkable and personal ways, each artist addresses environmental changes through their creations. The immersive environment of the Temporary Gallery includes a soundscape made especially for this show. Still Life Comes Alive through the artworks, sounds and plants, evoking the time and space of the past and the present.